The Great Return of KARA : ‘Mamma Mia’ with Transformation!
입력 2014-08-26 16:48  | 수정 2014-08-26 16:54
To celebrate release of their 6th mini album DAY&NIGHT, KARA held a showcase.

KARA has come back with a title song ‘Mamma Mia as four members of the group, including a new member, Young Ji Huh.

Also KARA has returned with powerful music and stunning performances, which is different from their cute and lovely concept in the past.

Many things have been changed, so Every step by KARA is drawing fans attention.

Photographer, Youngkuk Kang [sumur@mk.co.kr]

Intern Reporter, Jihye Kim [mbnreporter01@mbn.co.kr]

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